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Women’s Christian College is an undergraduate college for women in south Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It has been assessed and accredited for the third cycle by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) on 29-30 th March, 2019 ( AISHE CODE 11920-2020 ) , an autonomous organization that evaluates post-secondary academic institutions in India. It operates under the aegis of the Bengal Christian Council, an autonomous interdenominational Christian body, that draws from the best practices of rival Christian denominations in administering educational institutions in West Bengal. In legal terms, it is a Grant-in-Aid college that is affiliated to the University of Calcutta and is aided by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi. Ii is a modern, ICT-enabled educational institution with wi-fi facilities, smart classrooms equipped with audio-visual technological aids, fully automated libraries, and a highly supportive staff.